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Fakes - Nachbildungen Steine / Felsstücke

Einzelne Stücke, die wie Stein oder Fels aussehen.

How to make a fake boulder that looks real!
This is a tutorial on how to make a big fake boulder! Yes, we use some basic supplies like foam, paper mache and paint to make a great looking boulder.


 Fake rock (lightweight, quick, simple)


Mortar Mix Step by Step for Artificial Rocks
Step by step guide to making a perfect mix of Mortar for the top coat when making artificial rocks. Recipe included with a demonstration on mixing by hand to create the best mix.





Building Artificial Rock
The North Carolina Zoo in located at the edge of North Carolina's Uwharrie mountain range. Though the range's volcanic rock formations are evident all over the zoo's grounds, exhibit designers still must build artificial rocks in some places. These rocks serve to contain animals and keep them away from visitors. A wide variety of people magically turn steel rod, metal lathe, concrete and paint into realistic-looking rock formations.


Fake Rocks, Rock Making Preview & DIY Kits
Fake Rocks Training by www.BetterPaths.com offers Training and Material Kits for Pro's and do it your self extremist. Artificial Rocks or Fake Rock Water Features can be made with Recycled Materials found in most backyards. DIY materials, Training Tips, & Kits Make it easy and affordable for anyone using our many Decorative Concrete Formulations.


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