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Drucken - 3D printed Autos 

28.07.2018 3D-gedruckte Fahrzeuge kommen mit unglaublicher Geschwindigkeit voran. Von der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart, von Smart bis Solar, diese 3D-gedruckten Fahrzeuge definieren die Automobilindustrie neu. Hier ist unsere Liste von 10 bemerkenswerten 3D-gedruckten Fahrzeugen, die Wirklichkeit wurden.


Czinger 21C: the world’s first 3D printed hypercar | Top Gear
21.02.2020 The Czinger 21C is a 1,233bhp 3D printed hypercar complete with a turbo V8 revving to 11,000rpm, a 1+1 layout and $1.7m price tag. Oh, and the big news is it’s 3D printed. Well, large sections of the chassis are, paving the way for a revolutionary new car manufacturing process that could change… everything. It’s mind-blowing stuff, so let Jack Rix be your guide around California’s Koenigsegg rival.


This drivable car was 3D printed in 44 hours
17.03.2015 At the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago, Local Motors 3D printed a plastic car called the Strati.


Top 10 3D-Printed Cars - the Future of Auto Manufacturing
08.05.2017 3d printing is one of those disruptive technologies that might reshape our future. It is cheap, it is fast and environmentally friendly.


The LOCI Podcar - a fully 3D printed last-mile electric vehicle
25.11.2019 the LOCI is a design prototype for a fully 3D printed autonomous electric podcar specifically designed as a “last mile” transportation solution in urban environments: airport and train station departures, daily work commutes, campus transport, local deliveries or anything you can imagine. The LOCI was envisioned and designed by BigRep’s innovation consultancy, NOWLAB, with a team of creators behind other incredible mobility innovations like the NERA eBike.


10 3D printed Cars
26.07.2019  3D printed vehicles with classic and sporty designs made of plastic or metal.


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